Do you truely know who YOU are ?
Or do you think you know yourself. How can you possible know who you are …deep inside you ? These questions ressemble Your Path of Life. Human Beings are always searching and looking for …Love, Peace, Welness…
What are you looking for ? Are you aware that what you are looking for, is what you are ? You are a Divine Human Being!
We all have the Power to Create what we desire deep inside of us. These wishes come from Your Soul who wants to experience this road, to achieve your goal. And when you reached the goal…another Desire pops up and here you do…again on your way to your heart desires. This Creation Power becomes easier when you know who you are. Why ? Because it is the energy of synchronicity that brings you step by step closer to your desired outcome.
So what about this energy ? Your Body, every cell of it, your heart with all the Feelings inside and last but not least…yourThinking create what you attract. So what kind of people do you attract right now ? Are satisfied with them ? Do you accept them unconditionally ? Do you play a roll to them to be accepted ? Are you a pleaser ? If you are not happy with yourself or where you are living or working …what does not really resonate with your Heart Desires ? What can you do about that ?
Self Reflection is your answer. Who am I ? What do I need ? What does my Ego tells me ? What does my Soul tells me ? Are you honest with Your Self ? All questions which are interesting to search your answer. But how to start with this Self Reflection ? What we desire wants to be manifested. So the Soul knows already the outcome.
The Question here is ”What is standing between your Desire and your Outcome ? You !
It is you and only you and no one else. The Universe works through you unless you block it by yourself. Your Ego, your believes, lack of confidence and so on.
How to deal with “You”?
- Start your every day life with an Intention. Feel it, Trust it.
- What is your desired outcome ? A love partner ? A great Job ?
Then BE it to RECEIVE it. You cannot attract what you are not !Like attracts like, it is a Universal Law. So if you desperately want a new Relationship you need to BE a Partner by yourself. So how much Selflove is already there ? What is missing, what is the blocking Believe ? You have to look at your self FIRST. You are an every day creator with all you are now. It is that easy…just look in the outside world. It is mirroring your desires.
There is a famous qoute from Gandhi. “Be the change you want to See “ and to add to that trust the Universe to support you. Do not worry too much. Your only task is to start Self Reflection daily. Start with…
- Self Love
- Self Confidence
- Self Trust
- Self Esteem
- Self Compassion
- Self Control….add what you desire…
Do you want a great Job ? Be the wonderful employer who is dedicated and passionate to work. What about your Passion ? Do you follow it already ? What is your Passion? Passion is the Song of the Soul. It is the Song of Your Life. Living your Passion is like a violin guiding your Path of Life. Soft, gentle and lovely music.
Love you All.
With love and gratitude,
You can also listen to the Channeling “Being who you are”