The Heart Chakra is a vibration chakra for Love. Self love ! This chakra vibrates in two ways. In supporting you or in not supporting you. What is the Heart Chakra and how does this chakra (energy) work for you ? The Heart Chakra transmutes and transforms the energy of the lower chakras to your higher chakras. This ‘center of energy ‘ lifts you up or pulls you down.
It is all about creation or not. Creation to empower your self…your love…your light into the world.
- Are you aware of what your Heart Chakra vibrates ?
- Are you open for love ?
- Are you in love with yourself ?
- Are you love(d) ?
The Heart Chakra balances the flow or stream of energy that enters to your Solar Plexus. You feel when a human being resonates with your (self) love or not. Your Heart Chakra vibrates this flowing loving energy in you and back. You feel at ease and peace. There is Joy around you. When people do not lift you up their energy is blocking you. It blocks your Heart Chakra and you feel not so happy, self doubt can come to the surface, the energy in your Heart Chakra is low.
So be conscious about the people you (want) to connect with.
Your Heart is the Center of Your Well Being.
Take good Care of Yourself ! It is not selfish to Be Number One in your Life. It means you take care of your ‘Well-Being’. And if you take care of you and feel good about yourself you radiate this through your Heart Chakra… to the world around you.
So you attract people who resonate with your Heart Frequency. So be aware of what you attract now.
- Do you like it
- Are you feeling well ?
- Or…do you want to change it ?
Look inside, go to your ‘Sacred Room’ and sit down. Relax, breath and Be. Ask your Higher Self what is it I need to do to love myself more ? Listen to the answers. You could ask:
Do I need to take action to develop my self love and what is the first step ?
You could do this several times during the week. We suggest to do it regular. Ask it during your day too.
- Am I taking care of me ?
- Do I feel well ?
- What can I do to feel better than now ?
Maybe you need to go for a walk, take some sleep, change your food, take some distance to people or make a descion to let go…When you are feeling better, your Heart Chakra is more open and you will feel more love ! You do ! It is Your Responsibility to develop more self love. If you see it is as an ongoing proces of life.
If you are aware of it and take descions to support you FIRST, You Heart glows from SELFLOVE.
Thank you all.
With love and gratitude,
You can also listen to the Channeling “The Heart Chakra”