When you are feeling restless the there is an energy inside you that wants attention from you. Restless is an energy that occurs when you are not aligned with your True Self. This energy wants attention from you because it wants to align with your True Self. It needs to be transformed.
But first you need to acknowledge that you are restless. Secondly: Ask yourself what does this restlessness means to me ? Do you need to do something ? Do you need to be aware of with is behind this restlessness ? This energy is trying to align but because of the belief that is driving it you need to dive deeper. Sit down , relax, breath deeply from your Heart.
Watch like an observer inside you to this energy. How does it look like ? Are you a little child ?At school ? At work ? What is the context of the birth of this belief ?
When you see the picture then ‘be’ with it.
- Now you can ask yourself is it really the truth ?
- Do I still need ‘to do something’ ?
- What is my challenge in ‘doing nothing’ ?
Is expressing myself only possible in my doing ? No! The Truth is deep inside your Being. So Be ! Take ‘Me-Time’ to relax, walk, meditate or just ..nothing. Be with yourself. Is it easy for you ? Or not ? What do you need, to Be with You ?
You are sitting at the drivers seat. So where are you going ? No one is telling you where you need to go…no parents, teachers. It is up to you. You can park your car and step outside. Become aware of where you are. Be grateful what is already there ! It is your Creation ! Yes ! Yours ! Isn’t it wonderful ?
You decide when you go back to your car to drive to your next creation. Your Creation Process is in your Heart. It is in the Center of The micro and macro Universe. So ‘being’ in your Heart is your place to BE. Your Essence ! Every time you consciously decide to be in your Heart, you will feel if you need to take action or not.
This Balancing act creates natural rhythms of peace and flow. Creation is a process of Being and Doing…all the time !
So look at your daily Life. You have 24 hours a day. Beside sleeping mostly 8 hours, how do the other 16 hours look like ?
- What about the next 7 days ?
- Where is your Focus ?
- Are you Balanced ?
- Are you aware of ‘Being’ ? (relax, rest)
- Are you aware of ‘Doing’ ? (actions)
To master your own Personal Balance you need to be aware of your Being. You have learned to do a lot. But the Creation Process is BOTH ! So challenge yoirself, daily, weekly in Being, Balancing…
You feel more at peace, you trust the Universe and are aware of the fact that you are never alone in this Process.
Good Luck ! We all love you deeply !
The Lord Akashic Group
With love and gratitude,
You can also listen to the Channeling “Restless”