
When you connect with people, colleagues, friends or family you can be aware of your connection.  Connection from your soul or ego is a different level of consciousness. Connection from your soul is a deep-felt connection from your heart. You listen to the other person without judging; You listen with compassion; You listen with an…


When you are excited about something or somebody you feel energized. This energy comes directly from your Soul. It feels like flow, happiness. Life is at your Site. Your Look to the World is brighter and your smile is more permanent. Think about “always look at the bright side of life…”  Enthusiasm is a profound…

Nieuw E-Boek ! “The Diamond Proces”

The Diamond Process® E-book  laat je kennis maken met Authentieke Kracht, het Ego en de Ziel,  de Zetel van de Ziel,  Diamanten Vragen, Waarden en Overtuigingen, Ontdek je Authentieke Levensdoel, Meesterschap van Authenticiteit, Diamanten Quotes. Het brengt je positieve energie, innerlijke rust en vreugde om je Ware Zelf en jouw gewenste Bestemming te creëren en manifesteren. “When…

“Heart Centered”

Your Heart is your Center of Being A Being of Love and Light. A Being of Creativity and Giving. A Being of Authenticity. A Being of who you really are. A Being of how you express You to the world. Your Thoughts and Beliefs are fully in service of your Heart. If you let them…


Laughing is such a great energy for all human beings. You are fully present when you laugh.  Life feels like flowing through your whole body. Joy is an energy from the Source. Laughing connects you to other people. Your eyes are shining, a smile on your face and you radiate your energy all around you.…


Being is who you really are at the core of your Soul. Being is a part of your Personality. Being is a part of your Authentic Self. Being, is every cell of your Body. Being is Female Energy. Being is Creation. Being…IS! What you are , is what you radiate. Are you aware of your…


Life is full of Challenges. Challenges to learn from, to evolve your consciousness. It is all about being aware what Life shows you. Your focus is (un)consciously on your thoughts, beliefs and values. But do you like what you see ? Or do not you ? Are you able to embrace your challenges ? To…


Imagination is part of Creation and Manifestation. Imagination is to see and feel your desired outcome, the Image of Your Heart. The Heart has a desire that wants to be manifested. The wish comes from your Soul and is part of your reincarnation. The Soul communicates with the Heart. You get those wonderful feelings and through…


Possibilities means there are options which are Possible. Are you aware of your Possibilities in your Life ?  In your private life ? At your work ? Or even with friends. What about Possibilities ? Did you ask yourself often “What if…?” THAT is a possibility. It means you have a wish, you need to…

The Diamond Process® – Handelsmerk Registratie

Folder The Diamond Process Alles in het Leven is een Proces en “The Diamond” vertegenwoordigd de eeuwige Ziel. The Diamond Process® is een geregistreerd handelsmerk en is ontwikkeld door Viviana Geurten. The Diamond Process® bevat Coaching, Trainingen Authentieke Kracht, Workshops, E-Cursussen, Intuïtieve Readings en Lezingen om je Authenticiteit verder te ontwikkelen. Viviana’s  Channeling Column© ondersteunt je ook in je…

“Heart Feelings”

Feelings of your Heart are your Guidance in this Life on Earth. Feelings are signs that you are in Flow of The Universe, or you are not. When your life is aligned with your True Inner Self it Flows like a river. Nature takes care of all, including you ! You take chances to grow, you…

“Being Visible”

Are you visible ? Visible to the world ? Do you share your Talents ? Are you visible in service of the Whole ? What is blocking you for ‘being visible’ ? Visible means you are empowered to step into your own Power and Shine your Light into the World…The Universe. But why is your…


Surrender means you accept what reality shows You. You let The Universe work through you and do not stand in the way. The Universe is all-knowing and Omni-present. Everything occurs in your consciousness to help you grow to your next level of development. The more your Consciousness grows, the more your Flow is in alignment…