New E-Book ! “Diamond Questions”

Diamond Questions are questions that are provoking to see inside, feel and get more information than your mind could ever image. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Self-Coaching is a great way to Create and Manifest changes in your private or…


Science is coming form the mind and is about understanding. You learn a lot with science, skills to improve what you need to do in your life. Science is a part of life on Earth. It gives you the opportunity to discover your intelligence.  But is that all you really need? Is it really? There…

New E-Book ! “Diamond Quotes”

Diamond Quotes are Inspiring and Touching Words. Feel the impact of a Diamond Quote. Do you feel stuck, blocked or not knowing what you really need in Life? Take some time to sit down, be quite, breathe deeply and ask your Authentic Self to guide you to your “Diamond Quote”. Accept the Diamond Quote as a…


Death is the other site of the veil. The veil is divine consciousness and is not seen by human beings. People just need to know that earth and Heaven are united and very close to each other. Why ? Because all is One, All is connected. When someone dies, leaves his or her body, he…

“Be Receptive”

Being receptive means you are open to Receive. But what about Receiving? What do you receive? Is it what you desire? Is it what you asked for? Is it…?  Receiving is energy in The Universe and is equal to Giving. What do you Give yourself? What do you Allow in yourself? What do you Focus…

New E-Course “Master Your Authenticity”

Viviana Geurten has written the new E-Course “Master Your Authenticity” after she was inspired to channel the “10 Characteristics of Authenticity”. It contributes to develop Mastery of Authenticity. Personal Balance in your Life of Freedom. She was also inspired to design a Poster. Focus Daily on the words of the Poster. They transform your (sub) consciousness to a…


Are you satisfied with your Inner World? What does that mean for you ‘being satisfied’? Are you in flow of your Life? Are you at peace with yourself? Are you connected to people you love? Are you living your Purpose? Satisfaction means you accept reality as it is.  You do not fight it, you embrace…