
When you feel powerless, some of you use violence to force your power. The Universe is a consciousness of flow and does not use violence to force the flow. It is a natural process. A process like nature. When a firm tree brakes a branch it is because it leaves the tree. This branch is…


Nothing means “No-Thing”.  But what do we mean by that ? No-thing and some-thing are two sides from the same coin. It symbolizes your Level of Consciousness you want to create from. Creation from “No-Thing” means you create from a level of Pure Consciousness. A level where there is only Love, Light and Truth. It…


When you are having pleasure you feel full of energy, flow, joy and excitement. Pleasure is whatever you do you have fun with it.  Life flows through you. You are connected to your deepest core.  Your True Essence. Be aware of your True Essence and align yourself daily with it, you feel free.  Life is Pleasure. …

Diamond Programs now available in the SHOP

A Diamond Program is a Program from The Diamond Process® and contains E-Courses and/or E-Books. Diamond Programs are specially compiled for you by Viviana Geurten. The Diamond Programs inspire, move and touch you ! You will feel uplifted after reading and ‘getting’ the wisdom of The Diamond Process® E-Courses and E-Books. Be Surprised and Develop your Authentic…


Quotes are sayings from people who have lived them or still living those words.  Quotes express the values and beliefs of a human being. It is like a guide through their live. When a person evolves to a higher state of consciousness the quote can change. Or the quote has a more deep felt meaning…