
Viviana Geurten is a Medium and Channels with the Lords of the Akashic Records. The Akasha Records are a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul has ever thought, said, and done over the course of its existence and future possibilities. Your awareness is affected by this quality of Light, and you become “en-Lightened” by…


Do you feel yourself Pretty? Are you really Happy with yourself? Are you? Self-Acceptance is for most of the people a challenge. But why is that ? You are already Divine and Unique. You are Human. So you walk, you fall and walk again. You are exactly how you need to be. You have a…


When you feel powerless, some of you use violence to force your power. The Universe is a consciousness of flow and does not use violence to force the flow. It is a natural process. A process like nature. When a firm tree brakes a branch it is because it leaves the tree. This branch is…


Nothing means “No-Thing”.  But what do we mean by that ? No-thing and some-thing are two sides from the same coin. It symbolizes your Level of Consciousness you want to create from. Creation from “No-Thing” means you create from a level of Pure Consciousness. A level where there is only Love, Light and Truth. It…


When you are having pleasure you feel full of energy, flow, joy and excitement. Pleasure is whatever you do you have fun with it.  Life flows through you. You are connected to your deepest core.  Your True Essence. Be aware of your True Essence and align yourself daily with it, you feel free.  Life is Pleasure. …