Laughing is such a great energy for all human beings. You are fully present when you laugh. Life feels like flowing through your whole body.
Joy is an energy from the Source. Laughing connects you to other people. Your eyes are shining, a smile on your face and you radiate your energy all around you.
Laughter is Love. You feel seen, by the other person. Really connected from heart to heart. Sometimes tears roll over your face. You forget all your worries of life. Laughing, making fun and not taking life too seriously is for some people a challenge. Life is what you make about it.
So how wonderful is it to laugh more in your Life ? Laughing accelerates transformations processes. You see things differently. When you take a step back in life, see what is the fun part of it ? As you know there are always two sides of a coin. So when there is a serious part…there must be a funny part.
Is it really true what you thought ?
Is it ok for you to act in a childish way as an adult ?
Are you aware of your limiting beliefs ?
Take a distance and be honest to yourself. Are you ready to admit that your choice in childhood maybe is not ? All is well, so just acknowledge it. Now you can change it into a supporting belief.
So sit down and make a smile about the illusion you lived in all those years. Until now, maybe it helped you. But now you are an adult and you have the possibility to change it. To take responsibility for your own thoughts, beliefs and choices.
So how serious do you want to be about it ? Forgive yourself ! be proud of your new Choice. Make a wink to yourself, smile and embrace your greatness.
You recognized your Inner Power. How much Fun is that? When you can see this Process by yourself, you see it with others. Ask some questions, maybe you can make the other laugh about this current behavior. He or she has always the power to change it. Looking back makes you smile and you can laugh about yourself. You are not taking anything personal but see it as a challenge to Change and Laugh.
Love to you all !
The Lord Akashic Group
With love and gratitude,